Sterile Disposable Birth Kits
We have 2 options of sterile disposable birth kits which have been approved for use by Health Canada. The custom midwifery birth kit is sold individually $16.50 and contains: 1 umbilical cord clamp; 3 rochester-pean curved forceps; 4”x 4” non-woven sterile gauze (10); 1 Sharp/Blunt OR Scissors; 1 Lister Bandage Scissor; 1 Tray 9.5” x 5” x 1”; 1 CSR wrap 25" X 25" to be used as a sterile field.
The Standard Emergency Birth Kit is sold in a case of 6 for $260.00 and includes the following:1/ea Blue placenta basin with lid; 1/ea Kuddle Up baby blanket; 1/ea Umbilical cord clamp; 1/ea Underbuttocks drape without pouch (35 x 47", 89 x 119 cm); 2/ea Curved hemostat forceps (6-1/4", 16 cm); Straight hemostat Kelly forceps (5-1/2", 14 cm); 1/ea Plastic sponge forceps (7-1/2", 19 cm); 1/ea Straight mayo scissors (6-3/4", 17 cm) 10/ea 12-Ply 4 x 4" gauze; 1/pr Large vinyl gloves; 1/ea Infant head warmer; 1/ea 18g x 1.5" Needle; 7" Serrated needle holder; 1/ea 10 ml Luer lock syringe; 1/ea 2 oz. Ear/ulcer syringe; 1/ea 50 x 90" Table cover; and 4/ea Blue OR towels